Charity Reviews
All Charity Reviews
View a list of the charities we reviewed during our recommendation process. Each charity is categorized by the type of advocacy they do as well as by their recommendation status. Read our animal charity reviews and learn why we believe our recommended animal charities will have the greatest impact on helping animals.
How We Evaluate Charities
Our goal is to identify the most effective animal charities, not to rate or grade all organizations. Our charity recommendation process involves several sequential stages, with new recommendations being released in November or December each year.
How We Prioritize Causes
In principle, ACE would consider evaluating and recommending any charity working to help nonhuman animals. However, for practical reasons, we focus on cause areas that we believe are especially promising: those that are large in scale, highly tractable, and relatively neglected. On this page, we describe some common animal advocacy cause areas. We begin with causes that we prioritize and close with some that we do not prioritize—usually because they are smaller in scope, less tractable, and/or less neglected.
Review Archive
We maintain a listing of all reviews from previous rounds of recommendations. Whenever we update a charity review, the old versions will appear in this archive.