Gina Stuessy
Gina has been involved in effective altruism since 2013; she co-founded a local EA group, helped organize an EAGx event, and has worked or volunteered for BERI, CFAR, and EA Giving Tuesday. At ACE, Gina does finance, legal compliance, and HR.
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Our Thinking on our Recommendation of Wild Animal Initiative
April 27, 2021
ACE’s Compensation Strategy
November 30, 2020
Movement Grants: November 2019 Grantee Updates
October 19, 2020
Study Proposals from Our First Research Workshop on Effective Animal Advocacy
October 24, 2017
Make Helping Animals Your Legacy
April 28, 2016

About Gina Stuessy
Gina has been involved in effective altruism since 2013; she co-founded a local EA group, helped organize an EAGx event, and has worked or volunteered for BERI, CFAR, and EA Giving Tuesday. At ACE, Gina does finance, legal compliance, and HR.