Category: Op-ed
Why is Welfare Biology Important?
by Maria Salazar - 12 minute read

The issue of wild animal suffering has been highly neglected by society at large, including the scientific community. In this post Maria Salazar argues that fostering the formation of welfare biology as an academic field could be a promising strategy to help wild animals. She explores the potential benefits and challenges of creating this new academic discipline. … Read more
What Impact Will the Election of Jair Bolsonaro Have on Effective Animal Advocacy in Brazil?
by Victoria Schindel - 5 minute read

Jair Bolsonaro was elected to serve as the next President of Brazil on October 28, 2018. The far-right politician is a former army captain who has praised the military dictatorship which governed Brazil from 1964 to 1985.1 He served 27 years in Brazil’s congress but was mostly a marginal political figure, … Read more
Op-ed: Saving One Cow to Slaughter Another
by Jon Bockman - 3 minute read

Recently, six cattle escaped from a slaughterhouse in north St. Louis. Well-intentioned animal advocates succeeded in delivering the animals to a sanctuary, but only at the price of condemning other animals to slaughter in their place. In light of this unfortunate exchange, … Read more