Announcing Our 2023 Movement Grants
We are excited to announce the recipients of the seventh round of Movement Grants! The goal of our Movement Grants program is to build and strengthen the global animal advocacy movement. We do this by funding groups working on various approaches to animal advocacy, especially those that are underfunded, target large numbers of animals, or are in regions with a relatively small animal advocacy movement.
This round, we had $811,000 available for disbursement and reviewed 200 applications. We are thrilled to present the 50 projects we selected for a grant.1 The median size of the grants is $15,000, and 36 of the grantees are first-time recipients. See the pie charts below for a breakdown of the funding allocation by animal group, budget size, and region of focus.2
We want to thank everyone involved and say congratulations to the successful applicants!
If you feel inspired by our 2023 grantees and would like to support future Movement Grants recipients, please consider making a donation to Movement Grants.
Fig. 1. Funding allocation by animal group that the grant recipients will focus on in their project.
Fig. 2. Funding allocation by 2022 expenditures of the grant recipient.
Fig. 3. Funding allocation by region that the grant recipients will focus on in their project.3
Sub-Saharan Africa
Podrska Foundation – $25,000
Animal Law Reform South Africa – $24,000
Animal Advocacy Africa – $20,000
Healthier Hens – $20,000
Thrive Philanthropy – $20,000
Egerton University in partnership with Africa Center For One Health-One Welfare Research, Innovation and Sustainable Livelihoods – $19,859
Bryant Research – $19,500
Animal Advocates International – $16,500
Amis de l’Afrique Francophone – Bénin – $16,000
Education for African Animal Welfare – $15,000
Orore One Health and Development Initiative – $13,000
ARAF Plateau Dogon – $12,000
Animal Welfare and Environment Network for Tanzania – $10,500
Uganda Vegan Society – $10,000
Nature Imvelo Trust – $10,000
Tanzania Animal Welfare Society – $10,000
Mama Beatrinia Foundation – $8,000
South, East, and Southeast Asia
Samayu and A Just World – $33,000
Animal Alliance Asia – $30,000
Good Growth – $30,000
ACTAsia – $15,000
Animal Empathy Philippines – $14,000
Anglo America
Rachel Mason – $27,000
APEX Advocacy – $20,000
Rethink Your Food Inc – $15,000
Latin America
Fórum Nacional de Proteção e Defesa Animal – $17,500
Fundación DyD Animal – $16,500
Alianza Alimentaria y Acción Climática – $15,000
Animal Libre – $12,500
AnimaNaturalis Internacional – México – $10,000
Asociación de Emprendedores Veganos de México – $10,000
Casa Vegana – $10,000
Fundación Abogados por los Animales – $6,700
Fundación UVA Unión Vegana Argentina – $5,000
AnimaNaturalis – Spain – $20,500
Paris Animaux Zoopolis – $19,500
Gyvi Gali – $16,000
Humánny pokrok – $11,000
Green REV Institute – $10,000
Vegan Hacktivists – $20,000
Made In Hackney – $19,780
La Question Aquatique – $13,000
$camon $cotland – $10,000
User-Friendly – $10,000
We The Free – $10,000
Middle East and North Africa
Noa Weiss – $24,500
Sentient – $10,000
Description of Grants
Sub-Saharan Africa
Founded: Uganda, 2019
Region of focus: Uganda
Founded: South Africa, 2017
Region of focus: South Africa
Founded: South Africa, 2020
Region of focus: South Africa
Founded: United States, 2021
Region of focus: Kenya
Founded: United States, 2022
Region of focus: Africa
Founded: Kenya, 2022
Region of focus: Kenya
Founded: United Kingdom, 2020
Region of focus: Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Ghana
Founded: United States, 2021
Region of focus: Zimbabwe
Founded: Benin, 2008
Region of focus: Benin
Founded: Tanzania, 2018
Region of focus: Tanzania
Founded: Nigeria, 2019
Region of focus: Africa
Founded: Mali, 2005
Region of focus: Mali
Founded: Tanzania, 2018
Region of focus: Tanzania
Founded: Uganda, 2019
Region of focus: Uganda
Founded: Zimbabwe, 2021
Region of focus: Zimbabwe
Founded: Tanzania, 2008
Region of focus: Tanzania
Founded: Uganda, 2020
Region of focus: Uganda
South, East, and Southeast Asia
Founded: India, 2021
Region of focus: India
Founded: United Kingdom, 2019
Region of focus: Asia
Founded: Hong Kong, 2021
Region of focus: Asia
Founded: United Kingdom, 2006
Region of focus: Asia
Founded: Philippines, 2021
Region of focus: Philippines
Anglo America
Region of focus: United States
Founded: United States, 2021
Region of focus: United States
Founded: United States, 2019
Region of focus: United States and the Caribbean
Latin America
Founded: Brazil, 2000
Region of focus: Brazil
Founded: Chile, 2014
Region of focus: Chile
Founded: Mexico, 2019
Region of focus: Mexico
Founded: Chile, 2010
Region of focus: Chile and Argentina
Founded: Mexico, 2007
Region of focus: Mexico
Grant activities: AnimaNaturalis plans to take legal action against the federal government for failing to comply with its legal obligations on animal welfare in slaughterhouses. Their objective is to force authorities to comply with the provisions on animal welfare. They plan to focus on the federal government first and later move against state governments.
Founded: Mexico, 2020
Region of focus: Mexico
Founded: United States (Puerto Rico), 2017
Region of focus: Puerto Rico
Founded: Chile, 2019
Region of focus: Chile
Founded: Argentina, 2000
Region of focus: Argentina
Founded: Spain, 2003
Region of focus: Spain and the E.U.
Founded: France, 2017
Region of focus: France
Founded: Lithuania, 2021
Region of focus: Lithuania
Founded: Slovakia, 2009
Region of focus: Slovakia
Founded: Poland, 2014
Region of focus: Poland and the E.U.
Founded: Netherlands, 2019
Region of focus: Global
Founded: United Kingdom, 2012
Region of focus: Global
Founded: France, 2016
Region of focus: Global
Founded: United Kingdom, 2018
Region of focus: United Kingdom
Grant activities: $camon $cotland plans to conduct investigations to expose welfare issues in the Scottish salmon farming sector. They plan to partner with investigative reporters and NGOs to publicize the footage.
Founded: United Kingdom, 2019
Region of focus: Global
Founded: United Kingdom, 2019
Region of focus: Latin America and South East Asia
Middle East and North Africa
Region of focus: Global
Founded: Israel, 2017
Region of focus: Israel, and the Global South
To limit the potential influence of conflicts of interest (COIs) between members of the Movement Grants review committee, other staff members involved in the review process, and applicants, we took the following precautions:
We considered that any serious COI (e.g., past employment, past or present involvement with the Board of Directors, intensive volunteer work, or close relationship with an employee) would disqualify a team member from being involved in evaluating the relevant application.
Prior to discussing applications, all team members involved in the decision-making process disclosed any COIs they had with the applicants.
When the team discussed an application where a COI was identified for a particular team member, that team member would leave the meeting prior to the discussion and would not return until a decision had been made.
We had one serious COI on the review committee—Jamie Spurgeon, Movement Grants Program Manager, had a COI with a staff member at an organization whose grant we are still in the process of finalizing—we will update this post with more information once the grant is finalized. Jamie recused himself from all voting and discussion around the decision-making process for this grant.
Additionally, we contracted Vegan Hacktivists for a project to redesign our branding. The Movement Grant review committee was not involved in working directly on this project, and it was not a factor that we considered in our decision to fund them through Movement Grants.
The review committee this round consisted of Elisabeth Ormandy, Programs Director; Jamie Spurgeon, Movement Grants Program Manager; and Max Taylor, Researcher.
This number includes five recipients, totaling $75,000 in funding, that are still being processed by our grants team. We will update this post with their details once they are finalized.
These charts include data for the grants that are not yet finalized, which we hope to announce soon.
Regions that organizations carry out their work in may differ from the region in which they are registered. For example, we have funded organizations that plan to expand their existing work into new regions.
Filed Under: Announcements Tagged With: ACE highlight, Movement grants

About Jamie Spurgeon
Jamie joined the ACE in July 2017, following the completion of a master’s degree in physics from the University of Nottingham, and left in July 2023. During his six years at ACE, he was closely involved in the development of both charity evaluations and the Movement Grants program.